
Week 3 Social Listening blog (walmart)

      The company I decided to use was Walmart.  Its one of the biggest comapanies in the world and it seems like someone always has something to say about it.   I was scrolling trough instagram under the tag topic "#Walmart" and one of the post consisted of an individual absolutely going off on Walmart.  They said Walmart sells super cheap, poisonous products to customers.  This specific post is mainly targeting Walmarts food products and produce. There are many posts also consisting of bad/ unfair wages and bad treatment towards there employees.  Walmarts always had a bad history of this kind of thing with there employees.  There was a california case, the NLRB concluded in 2016 that Walmart took illegal action against employees.  Walmart broke the law when it punished its workers for excercising their federally protected right to peaceful protest.   I dont believe that Walmart is trying to do anything in specific that is "remarkable".   The same issues that were

Week 2 blog post. "With TikTok Under Fire, Brands that Rely on It Worry"

  I was pretty interested in this article because Tik Tok is something I am surrounded by every single day.  I don't personally use Tik Tok all that much but I do use instagram and youtube, which is essentially the same kind of app.  I find these apps very entertaining and can see how helpful they can be for companies.  I also see how they can have a major negative effect on the youth.  I know plenty of people young and old that genuinely have an unhealthy addiction to Tik Tok.  I always find these tik tok articles very interesting because it seems like every day there's a new conversation about how tik toks are finally getting banned or removed, but it never seems to happen. This article talks about the potential end of Tik Tok, but mainly focuses on how its going to impact a number of businesses and their ways of marketing.One main topic was, Tik Toks significance for beauty and fashion brands.  Tik Tok has become a crucial platform for marketing and sales for companies in th

Ethan Bonner blog #1

  Hello everyone, my name is Ethan Bonner. I am a sophomore at LBCC right now. I graduated from Clackamas Highschool class of 2022. I played varsity football and Lacrosse.  I enjoy going to LBCC because its quality education for a cheaper price.  I plan on graduating from OSU, but by attending lbcc right now, I am able to receive the same credits for cheaper.  Some things I enjoy doing day to day are working out, playing video games, and hanging out with my friends.  I live in my fraternity house with 60 of my best friends.  I enjoy living in Corvallis a lot, what originally influenced me to choose OSU was the people.  I didnt want to live in a city (Eugene), and I felt like I really clicked with the people I met when I visited.  My favorite color is purple, I like cats more than dogs, and I believe there is a multiverse.